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Finding out your pregnant, having your doctor confirm it and then hearing your babies first heartbeat has got to be one of the most exciting and scariest times in any woman’s life regardless if you “planned” it or not! With emotions (and hormones) running high all you can think is “this is it, ready or not here we go.”

Now before I go on, here is the part in my blog where I am going to give you an “out” on top of a disclaimer. This is your chance to read along on my journey or decide to sign off. With that being said if you don’t want to hear the good, the bad, the gross, the scary and everything else in between please discontinue reading.

Over the next 9 months I intend to document my pregnancy journey in all its raw and natural glory. I want to be able to come back here months or years from now and see how far we’ve come and how much changed from week to week and month to month. I also want our child to someday be able to come here and have an unedited look at his or her early life as it unfolded during these very special first 9 months.

Alright so if you’re still here welcome! I’m excited to have you along and I truly appreciate your love and support along this incredible, life changing journey!

My first nine weeks of pregnancy have been pretty “mild” in regards to the pregnancy scale. I ride the nausea train pretty much from morning to night with little relief however I have yet to throw up (not even once) which I hear is pretty incredible since I know a lot of woman are stuck in the bathroom for the first 3 months. For this I am grateful and it makes the nausea more manageable. I like to believe that baby Stew knows that my job and life require me to be active and that he or she is having some mercy on me while I adjust to my new state of self.

Some other noticeable changes so far have been exhaustion and I don’t mean the every day I’m so tired, so sleepy kind. I mean full on body-aching, can’t keep my eyes open, get me to the closest thing that looks like a bed right now. The only thing I can relate it to is when you are a kid in the summer and you come in after a long day at the beach and playing outside and you fall asleep in your dinner because your just done. Lights out.

Only most days I don’t even make it to dinner I’m typically napping by noon on my lunch break for at least 30 minutes if not 45 if I can sneak it in. The naps help and I do usually get a second wind but only until about 7:30 and then I’m passing out again trying like hell to stay awake until at least 8 (not going to happen).

On top of the nausea and exhaustion my boobs have officially turned into monster A and monster B. I always wanted to know how I would look with a boob job so if you’ve ever been curious just take a look at me now!

Whew, weeeee the growth on top of the soreness is enough for an entire blog post but I’ll spare you all those details for now and just say ouchy, they really hurt!

I can honestly say those are my three biggest symptoms so far. I also get extremely fatigue when I need to eat which causes me to have super, super low energy which is really hard for me since I’m usually going at about 200 mph. My stomach has also been an up and down roller-coaster but in all fairness that’s pretty much normal for me and I can’t blame it entirely on the pregnancy although I’m sure it does escalate it to some extent. I also pee at least 20 times a day and at least two to three times a night.

Other then those “normal” pregnancy symptoms and the fact that I just feel pregnant all the time the only thing that has been “abnormal” is a black spot that showed up on my uterus during my first ultra sound at 8 weeks. My doctor couldn’t get a good read on it so she’s sending me to an ultra sound doctor to get a better look at it. It’s a little nerve-wracking but at this point in my pregnancy what isn’t? We are just hoping and praying for the best.

Until next time… 

I forgot to post this picture on my last post so I’m posting it now. My first Mothers Day on Sunday May 10, 2015. Colt made my day so relaxing & special! 

We can’t wait to find out who you are Baby Stew. We love you SO much already. 

(p.s. – my boobs have doubled in size since this picture which was taken at 7 weeks and 2 days – ha!)