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Friday, May 15th 2015 might just go down in the books as one of the most mind blowing and amazing days in the history of days (as of yet…)

Friday’s are pretty amazing in our world but on this particular Friday I had my second prenatal doctors appointment at 1pm. I got home from coaching at 11 and quickly started making lunch. I was so excited and nervous and anxious that 1 o’clock couldn’t come soon enough! As I sat down to eat my phone rang, it was my doctors office asking if I could come in now. Right now? Yes, as soon as possible.

They needed to bump up my appointment because my doctor had been called in for surgery and the ultra-sound room was only open for another 30 minutes. After a bit of a mad dash, leaving my freshly made lunch on the table, running out the door, calling Colt on my drive to tell him to leave work now that he needed to meet me in the next 30 minutes we were both somehow there and waiting.

Very rarely will you see me (or any woman for that matter) smiling while in this position waiting at the doctors BUT when you are having your very first ultra sound, to see your very first child, you can’t help but be all smiles

As we waited for the doctor to come in I prepared myself for anything. Based on my last missed period I was suppose to be 8 weeks exactly but because of my irregular cycles and ovulation I wasn’t sure if my last period would be extremely accurate to go off. I also didn’t want to be disappointed or freaked out if we didn’t hear a heartbeat since I heard that is normal if you are measuring earlier than what you or your doctor thinks. I hoped for the best but was trying hard not to get my hopes up. After all I could still barely even believe that I was actually really pregnant.

After waiting for what seemed like forever Doctor Takemoto came in. She introduced herself to Colt and we got started. She explained to me that we were going to do an internal ultrasound and that hopefully we would be able to hear the babies heartbeat. As I relaxed and took a deep breathe she turned on the monitor and shut off the lights and suddenly just like that boom our little baby Stew was up on the screen!

It was love at first sight

As she pointed to each area of the screen we honestly couldn’t believe we were looking at our baby. I mostly couldn’t believe that it actually already looked like a baby! It was love at first sight and in that moment I knew that this would be our greatest adventure yet.

As we continued to watch the screen she started taking measurements of the baby to check to see our due date. We couldn’t wait to find out when our little baby Stew would be arriving and as she moved around snapping photos she stopped and said you see that little white flicker? That’s your baby’s heartbeat and then the microphone came on and ga-gung, ga-gung. ga-gung. It’s a heartbeat. It’s our babies heartbeat. Ga-gung, ga-gung.

Our babies heartbeat at 176 bpm

To say we were on cloud 9 after hearing the heartbeat would be a major understatement. It was so crazy how loud, fast and strong it was. Our baby had a heartbeat!

As she continued to check things out she let us know that I was measuring at exactly 8 weeks which was right on track to my last period.

Anu & Joe got us this amazingly awesome chalkboard to document all of our weekly memories & milestones as Baby Stew continues to grow! We are so grateful for you Getgen’s!

We could not believe that we were already 8 weeks along! That would have to mean that we had conceived Easter weekend which we spent at the Grand Wailea (which was so magically perfect) it would also mean that our due date would be, drum roll please…..

December 25th, 2015 

I shit you not, our actual due date is on Christmas Day! Watch out Santa there is a new kid in town!

Click below to listen to baby Stew’s first heartbeat!!

Baby Stew’s first heart beat