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I can’t believe we are officially at the halfway point (20 weeks) into my pregnancy. Most days it literally still feels like I just got the news and I’m standing there in a haze of disbelief staring at those two pink lines, but then I look down at my belly and remember those days are long gone. 

The last 3 weeks have been pretty mellow in regards to pregnancy symptoms and changes. This second trimester has truly been a God-send and I still feel really really good most days. School has officially begun again here on Maui so my coaching schedule is getting busier and busier by the week. I am really excited to start my third year of coaching since I absolutely love my job but I also know how quickly the time is going to go now, game over!  

This past week has been a little tougher on me as I did catch a little something and I’m still not sure if it was bad allergies, a summer cold, the flu or just the stress of my schedule picking up but it had me down for the count. It’s honestly the worst that I’ve felt so far through this pregnancy process (which I know is a blessing in itself) but I’m also so glad that I’m back on the up and up and feeling better, thank goodness! 

August so far has been fun because we hit the jack pot of ultrasound appointments. We will have 4 by the time the month is over which means so many Baby Stew viewings! We had our “gender” ultra sound on August 4th which revealed that baby Stew is indeed a BOY! Haha, we got lucky that we got to find out earlier with the specialist but it was also such a nice relief to hear yet again that he is indeed a boy, happy danceeeeee


The following day August 5th I had my 19 week check up with my doctor. She confirmed (again) that baby was a boy and that all of our tests for abnormalities, down syndrome etc, had come back normal thank you Jesus! I also had a cervix test to measure the length of my cervix to septum and it was normal length which means my cervix is stretching with baby and making room for him to grow, which is the best case scenario. I have another cervix length test scheduled for next week and then I see my specialist again on the 25th to check that growth is still on track! So far all is checking out, and my pregnancy is still considered “normal” which we are feeling very blessed about. 

As the days continue to go by I’m feeling more and more connected to the process and I’m loving it more and more. I can feel baby boy moving pretty consistently now and it’s the most amazing and reassuring feeling in the world. The movements are still pretty light but Colt was able to feel his first official movement the other night before bed which was amazing. It was so awesome to see his face light up as he said “Jenn I swear I just felt it, was that it..” — indeed it was (happy heart

With the halfway point here and gone and the clock officially ticking we both have ourselves pretty emerged in the world of baby, parenting and birthing books. I love that we are slowly growing into “informed baby people” together one chapter, opinion and conversation at a time. I just know we are going to make a great team at this labor, birth and parenting thing!  


This week we have also officially launched the start to our baby registry which has been equally as fun as it has been overwhelming! I have also started my research on doulas! We are hoping we can start interviewing with a few soon so I can get my birth plan working. With that being said if anyone has any great advice or insight on doulas here on Maui please pass it along my way. 

With summer coming to an end (theoretically) the countdown is officially on and I can feel the list of “to do’s” piling up as I type. So much to do, so little time yet my main goal is to relax and enjoy the ride so with that I am off to yoga! 

Until next time…