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So we’re totally turning into “those” people, the ones who use weeks instead of months when someone asks how far along we are! We promised we would NEVER be those people and here we are! 

To our defense and as an apology to “those people” I totally get it now! When your pregnant everything goes by weeks! All your app updates, pregnancy trackers, things you look up online and doctors all talk in regards to weeks so it’s just easy to follow suite. So here we are referencing everything in weeks, but I promise once the baby is born if you ask me how old he or she is and I tell you they are 208 weeks, or even 24 months please just slap me, no seriously though. 

Hitting the 12 week, 3 month mark has brought a whole new world of excitement and anxiousness. We officially sent out all announcements to our extened families and close friends on Friday. I am SO excited for people to start getting them but it’s also making me a little anxious to have the news go completely public since it still feels so early in the pregnancy to me.

I have my next two appointments in July and it seems like forever away so for now I’m just trying to enjoy the day to day and embrace everyday of pregnancy as it comes. 

My nausea and exhaustion has officially subsided (thank you placenta) but now it’s heartburn taking its place. I also got my first migraine on Friday around 4pm and it lasted through Saturday evening. It was so painful and so sad because there was nothing I could do but ride it out. I read that hormones at this stage are the leading cause of mirgranes especially if you are previously prone to them which I am. I think this migraine might have been brought on from not drinking enough water and not eating enough. 

Everyday is a new trial and era and I’m learning how to take care of the new me with Baby Stew in tote. I’m also so thankful that Colt is so amazing to me and that he is really understanding of everything I am going through on the day to day. It’s nice to be able to lay in bed all day if I need to and he just happily understands and helps out with anything I need. I’m so lucky and I know this. 


He’s also extremely creative and crafty and is totally rocking our weekly Baby Stew board! And yes, he does these all free hand with just chalk pens! 

Today has been such a beautiful day filled with lots of sunshine and good energy and I know it’s going to be an even better week! 

Until next time…

Suns out, Bumps out! 

 12 weeks and 2 days or 3 months! Lol