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Ingredients for the perfect Maui beach day include blue skies, little to no wind, cool sand, medium sized waves, whales breaching off shore, good food and great company. Lucky for us we live in paradise so this equation happens often but today was even more awesome because Colt’s auntie Jamie is in town from Reno.

Colt & Auntie Jamie. Isn’t she the cutest? I just want to squeeze her!

Colt woke up early since we wanted to paddle board. He left the house around 7:30a.m. so him and Cam could go to the storage to pick up and load the boards. Paddle boarding is always best between 8a.m. and 10a.m. before the wind line starts to come in and the water gets choppy. Being on the water by 8a.m. ensures crystal clear conditions and optimal turtle and whale spotting opportunities.

Since Colt and Cam got to the beach early they set up camp for us with all the goods. A tent for shade, coolers, the BBQ, games, paddle boards, the boom box and boogie boards. I couldn’t wait to get on the water but not before Katie and I snuck to the resort pool bar for a little Sunday Funday treat!


yummma theres nothing better than a spicy morning bloody! Cheers sister!

After our little pick me up we headed to the beach and hit the boards. The rest of the day was filled with fun, laughter, food, sunshine and new memories.


Colt & Khloe hitting the waves. Khloe is such a little pro on the boards.


My favorite little beach bum. She loves playing and exploring at the beach.



Auntie Jamie also got out on the boards and actually stood up this year! Last year during her visit she only paddled from the kneeling position but this year she totally rocked it!


One of the highlights of the day was Caylee getting out on the paddle boards! She is usually such a sand baby (Khloe is a water baby) but today she got out in the water and on the boards with Khloe. After a little while of Khloe towing her around Caylee took over and started paddling! Its so fun to see her coming out of her shell and into her own. She did so awesome and we were all so proud of her.


Planning the “switch”


There she goes! Getting her sea legs!


Uncle is always trailing close behind, he loves his girls so much.

20130224-181111.jpgAll smiles, so proud!


Way to go Caylee!


Next it was my turn! I love SUP. There’s nothing better than gliding on water while working on your fitness and your tan!


All that paddling sure does make you hungry (and thirsty) so Cam cooked up some Brats and turkey burgers for everyone, it was the perfect beach lunch!


My extra handsome hubs enjoying his lunch (I know you all wish you had such an awesome beer koozie)

Around 1p.m. the winds started to pick up so we decided to pack up and call it a day.


I had such a wonderful time playing, relaxing and getting sun kissed with the people I love.